Nutrition: 318 Calories | 3.2g Net Carbs | 42.6g Protein | 16.1g Total Fat
An easy recipe for corned beef and cabbage in the slow cooker that is tender and delicious; perfect for St. Patrick’s Day or any time of the year.

St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. There are so many ways to celebrate this fun holiday, like wearing green, setting leprechan traps, eating cereal filled with rainbows, and of course, enjoying some classic Irish food. I though now would be the perfect time to share an easy way to make corned beef and cabbage at home, which is one of our St. Patty’s day traditions. Corned beef has a delicious salty flavor like none other. And it’s a fun and easy way to celebrate this Irish holiday. For years and years, I’ve made my corned beef in the slow cooker, and it comes out tender and juicy every time. My family loves this classic Irish meal so much that I grab a couple packages of corned beef to keep in the freezer. Then, we can enjoy this comforting, hearty meal throughout the year.

Cut the Cabbage

There is minimal prep time required for corned beef and cabbage in the slow cooker. First, you need to cut up your cabbage. I usually use half of a large head of cabbage. It’s just the right amount for my family, but adjust the amount for your family. First, cut your cabbage in half (saving half for later), and cut the core out of the cabbage. Then, cut the remaining cabbage into large wedges.

Add the Vegetables to the Slow Cooker
Layer the sliced cabbage in the bottom of the slow cooker. Then, add in some baby carrots to make the meal more hearty. You could also add potatoes or other root vegetables too.

Time for the Corned Beef and Seasoning
Once all your vegetables are in, put the corned beef on top. Make sure the fat side is up. As the fat melts away while cooking, it will keep the meat nice and moist. Then, sprinkle the included spice packet on top of the beef. Lastly, add water to the slow cooker. You’ll need enough to cover the vegetables, which is about three to four cups. Slow cook your corned beef and cabbage all day on low.

Slice and Serve

After your corned beef has been cooking all day, move it to a cutting board for slicing. Then, remove any remaining fat on top of the beef and the spices; throw these away. Next, slice the beef across the grain. This will help ensure that the meat is tender. You can make your slices as thin or thick as you like. Serve the sliced corned beef with the tender cabbage and carrots. Hope you enjoy this festive, hearty meal.

Other recipes to check out: Corned Beef Instant Pot Recipe, Tri Tip Roast Slow Cooker Recipe, and the Best Recipe for Prime Rib Roast.
Simple Recipe for Corned Beef and Cabbage in the Slow Cooker
An easy recipe for corned beef and cabbage in the slow cooker that is tender and delicious; perfect for St. Patrick’s Day or any time of the year.
Total Time: 8 hours 5 min
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 8 hours
- 3 lb Packaged Corned Beef
- 1/2 Cabbage (about 1 pound)
- 2 Cups Baby Carrots (10 oz)
- 4 Cups Water
- Cut the stem out of the cabbage, and throw it away. Cut the rest of the cabbage into wedges, and nestle them in the bottom of the slow cooker.
- Add the baby carrots to the slow cooker.
- Take the corned beef out of the package, and place it in the slow cooker fat side up. The beef should be on top of the vegetables.
- Cut open the spice packet that came with the corned beef. Sprinkle it on top of the beef.
- Pour the water in the crockpot. It should cover the vegetables but not the beef. Slow cook the corned beef and vegetables all day on low.
- Before serving, remove the spices from the top of the beef and any remaining fat. Slice the corned beef across the grain. Serve with the cabbage and carrots.
Yield: 6 servings
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 318, Total Fat: 16.1g, Saturated Fat: 5g, Cholesterol: 100mg, Sodium: 2238.5mg, Carbohydrates: 5.2g, Fiber 2g, Sugars: 2.9g, Protein 42.6g